BLOG––Encouraged by Faith

First Step: Prayer

Posted by Scott Morris on

A few weeks ago, three of my friends came to the same conclusion: that I should join them in efforts to bring more people to Christ. They were challenging me to share the gospel more, but I felt more pushed than called.

Even when I know something is for the best, I don’t naturally yield to pressure. Despite my reluctance, I met with these men to get better acquainted and to consider things we might do to bring more people to Christ.

I responded to their challenge with a critical first step: prayer. The habit and practice of doing right begin with desire. For this reason, I prayed for God to improve one of my deficiencies—my desire to do right. How likely am I to strive toward things I don’t already want, even if they are things I may need? Not very likely.

In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive.” I take this statement literally. In my prayers, I ask, “Lord, will you make me want to do right? Will you help me want to share the good news? Will you cause my cup to overflow with love and compassion for the lost?”

I ask these questions in a way that leaves me expectant and attentive, with little doubt about God’s answer. Can you imagine God not responding with a “yes” to any of these questions?

When the answer is yes, I naturally rejoice. When the answer is no, I sometimes pray, “Lord, will you make me as thankful for your no as for your yes?”








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