What's Next
God is about changing lives, and we believe that God works through His Church, as imperfect as it is, as a catalyst for that change. The leadership at North Central wants to be intentional about influencing people toward God and seeing lives increasingly changed into the likeness of Jesus. We strive to provide opportunities for spiritual growth.
Wondering what’s next for you and your family? Here's how you can connect, grow and serve at North Central as we pursue God’s mission of transformation “for the sake of the world.”
Worship Regularly
Gathering on Sunday mornings is a vital part of our weekly rhythm as a community of faith. We gather to unload our hearts, to share our lives, and to remind ourselves of who God is, what he has done, and who we are. As a lifestyle, worship shapes us along the lines of Jesus and compels us toward a life focused on his purpose.

Connect with God
Spiritual disciplines open us to God’s transforming love and the changes that only God can bring about in our lives. God uses the intentional and regular practices of maintaining a balance of work and rest, solitude, prayer, Scripture reading and meditation and practicing discernment as avenues for conforming our hearts and minds to him.

Do Life Together
God created us for community. Informal gatherings in our homes provide rich and meaningful opportunities to enjoy and share life together. Small groups meet at various times throughout the week to encourage, support and serve one another, whether it’s through times of crisis or within the ordinary routines of life. Doing life together allows us to apply God’s truth to our lives among trusted friends, and to take the next step in your faith.

Serve Others
All of life is a gift. God gives us all that we have and all that we are. Jesus put it this way, “Freely you have received, freely give.” Consequently, we are encouraged to think of ourselves as “lives on loan,” rather than “lives we own.” The upside-down way of Jesus calls us to live beyond ourselves rather than merely focusing on ourselves.

Give Generously
God calls us to lead a generous lifestyle—one that’s liberal with how we use our money, resources and time. But often we miss the ways God wants to work in our lives simply by being too busy or living beyond our financial means. When you create margin in your life, you allow room for what really matters; a life lived in love and service to others.