
BLOG––Encouraged by Faith

Showing items for 'Scott Kenney'

Food Sacrificed to Idols

Posted by Scott Kenney on

I watched comedian Josh Johnson on YouTube the other day. He said, “As a black guy from the South, I don’t think you’re racist until you attend your second Klan meeting.” He told a story about a friend who got invited to a backyard barbecue, like you do in the South. They...

Job is a Martyr

Posted by Scott Kenney on

The story of Job begins with a scene in God's courtroom. God talks to a prosecutor who has accused Job of duplicitous falsehood. "Job doesn't actually love you," the prosecutor says to God. "He just knows better than to bite the hand that feeds." By accusing Job as God’s faithful servant...

Showing items for 'Stephen Kenney'

Mountain Top Experiences in Matthew

Posted by Stephen Kenney on

The expression “mountain top experience” actually comes from Matthew (and the other gospels) which relate the joy and amazement of the disciples when they saw Jesus being transfigured, but then found themselves in immediate conflict when they descended. It occurs to me that...

The Joy of the Lord

Posted by Stephen Kenney on

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”  Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV) And from Psalm 126: When...

Showing items for 'Leslie Kenney'

Extending Thankfulness

Posted by Leslie Kenney on

Most of my prayer life focuses on thanking God. Even when life is chaotic and exhausting, there’s always an abundance of blessings. I’m praying at my granddaughter Caroline’s bedside and a memory interjects. As I pray, a memory of flowers and of gathered friends and family...

Showing items for 'Stephen Kenney'

Start Where You Are

Posted by Stephen Kenney on

Sometimes we have grand dreams of what we will do for God if we could just get away to travel to another place or if we were just at another stage of life. We do not intend to procrastinate, but ... Our personal situations will never be optimal for advancing God's kingdom. Legitimate obstacles...

Showing items for 'Scott Kenney'


Posted by Scott Kenney on

“There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood....” Proverbs 6:16 - 17 “Haughty eyes” has several meanings, but in this post, I’m talking about self-righteousness as...

Showing items for 'Stephen Kenney'

Worshiping through Depression

Posted by Stephen Kenney on

My heart goes out to those who are depressed in our worship assemblies.  Many people can rely on their personal temperaments to help them fully participate in corporate worship.  It's harder for ones who come to worship feeling dull, slow, even sad and...


Posted by Stephen Kenney on

We are called to hospitality.  (I Peter 4:9; Hebrews 13:2; Matthew 25:31-46).  This includes not only our spiritual family but even strangers. How can we practice hospitality in the 21st century to strangers?  I suggest a minimal first step:  see...